Monday, May 07, 2007

Wild Wild Lobito, Pt. 2

Pic from US State Dept. Confiscated guns waiting to be destroyed in Luanda.

Early Saturday morning, around 5:30 am, I awoke to the sounds of gunfire. I heard two gunshots, then lots of shouting. I went back to bed.

I left to pick up my friend Anne’s kids, as I was babysitting for her that morning. On my way out, I asked the guard what all the commotion was. Apparently, burglars attempted to break into the house catty-corner to my apartment building. The guard encountered them and started shooting. No one was hurt. But no one was caught, either.

On the one hand, I feel very safe in this city, especially on Restinga, the peninsula where I live that is like a small, sleepy town. On the other hand, I this is the second shooting tht has happened within a block of my apartment! This makes me feel better about being in bed by 10 most nights, so I'm not on the street with all the bandidos.

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