Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Off to Zambia

I'm leaving today for Luanda and to Zambia on Friday. I'll be at a regional training in Lusaka. As usual, I'm ridiculously excited to be leaving the confusão of Angola.

Looking back over the past year, I've had the fortune of traveling to 2 other African countries (Cape Verde and South Africa- 3 if you crossing the border into Namibia for 4 hours). Like my trip to South Africa, this one is work-related, but thanks to the difficulties of getting in/out of Angola, I get a weekend in Zambia to do whatever. The consumer in me wants to shop at the mall, but hopefully I can also get out and see other things. (Really, I'll probably just shop!) Someday I hope to actually be able to visit these countries for pleasure.

1 comment:

Sir Chancelot said...

I take it you won't be flying to Zambia?
A friend in Japan went there to see the solstice or a rave or the millennium or something. It looked pretty cool.