Thursday, March 27, 2008

Miss Landmine Angola in the BBC

Today on the BBC website there is an article about the Miss Landmine Angola 2008 pagaent.

I wrote about this before. All in all, I think its a good way to raise awareness about landmines in Angola. I admit it; I'm a traitor to my province. I voted for Miss Moxico.

On Easter Sunday, a Brazilian friend and a friend of his went bike riding up where they are slated to build the new Lobito refinery. Someone had told him there were landmines up there, so he started to worry when they happened upon boxes of old ammunition. His friend went around exploring and luckily didn't get blown up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It’s a great initiative to show that most victims of landmines are innocent civilians… (90% of them)
In order to highlight the issue, DangerousGround, a British NGO, has made an impressive video clip that I've put on my blog. It’s a great video :)