It's obviously been some time since I've updated the blog. I've lost a lot of blogging steam in the last few months- most of it due to being very far removed from the field but also due to just having nothing terribly interesting to report.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Long overdue update
It's obviously been some time since I've updated the blog. I've lost a lot of blogging steam in the last few months- most of it due to being very far removed from the field but also due to just having nothing terribly interesting to report.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Hold onto your hats...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Luanda still really expensive
A meal in Luanda can cost over $100 and a "decent" apartment can cost as much as $15,000 a month, despite the fact that most Angolans live in poverty.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Only in Angola
Conversations I Have Had: 2nd Jamaican Edition
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
1. Turn in firearms at the entrance building.
2. Risk of hypothermia due to low water temperature.
3. Trash should be placed in the trashcans.
4. Cooking on the premises is prohibited.
5. No glass bottles on the premises.
6. No diving from the rocks on the side of the falls.
7. No swimming in underwear.
8. No running or playing on the premises.
9. Immoral public acts are prohibited.
10. Play music at a low volume.
#s 1 and 9 are my favorite.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I got on board with progress!
O sea... me subí al progreso!
- Perhaps I'm too accustomed to the other subway systems of the world, but I was totally thrown by the little green button you have to press in order to enter and exit the cars. A. and I stood there for a second until the guard pointed out that we had to push the button to get the door open.
My main complaint about the system still stands: there are too few postings of street names, neighborhoods, whatever, along with the stations. You still don't know where the heck you are going! There are a few street maps in the cars, with the stations marked on them, but they are very hard to read.
- It's clean! Like every other city in the developing world, Santo Domingo is dirty. Trash is everywhere and capitaleños don't think twice about throwing trash on the street, at their feet, or wherever they please. Not the case on the Metro.
It's quiet! "Quiet" is not a word many people use to desrcibe Dominicans, so it's truly amazing that the Metro is so calm and sedate. Most people just sat there, but those that were talking did so at a soft level, almost whispering!
It's protected! There is a Metro guard in every car. S/he walks up and down to make sure that people are respecting the Metro. The poor guard we saw looked bored out of his mind, amidst the serenity and lack of bachata and mambo.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Pope is in Angola
Here is the NYT report of Pope Benedict's visit to Angola. Pope Urges Angolans to Help the Poor and Embrace Democracy.
Sitting next to nosso presidente, Jose Eduardo dos Santos, Pope Benedict said the following:
Oh, the irony! I'm not clear on something. Olha Senhor Papa, just who is the one that needs to be freed from this greed and bring democracy?In a second address, this one delivered hours later at the residence of
President José Eduardo dos Santos, he challenged Angola and other African
countries to free their people “from the scourges of greed, violence and unrest”
through “modern civic democracy.”
(Looking around, sitting next to him he sees the president who has served for 29 years but only held one presidential election and has somehow managed to acquire insane wealth at the same time...)
According to reports, Zedu handled it well and agreed with everything the Pope said. Smart tactic.
Zedu later said that "a igreja nao pode fazer muito para mudar as regras establecidas, mas tem forca moral para influenciar os coracoes e as mentalidades dos que decidem. The Church cannot do much to change the established rules but it does have moral authority to influence the hearts and minds of those who decide." In other words, don't go thinking you have more influence than you do, Catholic Church.
I must say, I really wish I had been in Angola to see this.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"Papa, Amigo, Angola está contigo!"
The BBC has a good summary of the Pope's upcoming visit to Angola.
The article brings up the restrictions the government has placed on Radio Ecclesia, the Church's Luanda-based radio station that is currently only broadcast in Luanda. I'm quite interested to see what the Pope says about corruption (if he says anything at all). Actually, I'm more interested to see what the government says/does if he does...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Pope to Africa
In Angola, which emerged in 2002 from 25 years of civil war, Benedict is expected to meet with politicians and diplomats to speak out against corruption and assert the renewed role that the church hopes to play in fostering democracy and civil society in Africa.
He will also mark 500 years since Catholic missionaries began converting people in the former Portuguese colony and meet with groups promoting the role of women in Africa.
It'll be interesting to see what the Angolan government thinks about the Pope preaching against corruption. I wonder if they will also celebrate the 500 year anniversary since they converted slaves before shipping them off to the New World...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Whoa: China extends US$1 billion line of credit to Angola
If nothing else, click on the link to see the weird cartoonish font used in the accompanying graphic.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
For shame...
Dominican Republic’s powerfully offensive team lost for the second time to the Netherlands, and is eliminated from the World Baseball Classic.
Oh man, I wish I were in the office to hear my coworkers talk about this! Bad enough for the DR to lose, but to lose to the Netherlands?!?!?! Ouch.
In good sports news, the West Indies beat England in the five-test series cricket match. I know absolutely nothing about cricket. Zip. But the only radio station I get in my Japanese car is KLAS, Jamaica's sports radio station. Test Cricket takes forever (5 days) and is very British, complete with breaks for tea. So while I've been driving around Kingston, I've listened to the series. I wish I actually undestood what was happening, because apparently it was quite a dramatic series.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
It's there, I promise!
The last few weeks have been a little frustrating in terms of the car. A 4th car is out of comission until a part is shipped in from Japan and for a while, a 3rd car was in the shop. As the lowest person on the totem pole, I had to go without. This was okay for a while, because I just walked everywhere, getting a little bit of exercise in. The 3rd car came back after a week, so it wasn't too bad.
On Thursday the car I usually drive had to go up to the Haitian border for some project monitoring but was supposed to come back Friday afternoon. After waiting patiently until 6 pm, I finally started to ask around about the car. Sure enough, the manager who took the car was "not in good health" and "unable to drive back to Santo Domingo." The facts that the manager is from the town where the monitoring took place, has family and friends there and it was a Friday night, perfect time for knocking back a Presidente or two, are purely coincidential. Since I am going up to see Carnaval with a friend today (Saturday), he promised to have the car back by 9 am.
This morning before coming over to the office I called my coworker to make sure that he had come back and left the key on top of the secretary's desk, as we planned. He assured me that all had gone according to plan. I walked to the office (about 45 mins) and sure enough, couldn't see the key anywhere.
I called my coworker again to make sure that I wasn't going crazy. "Oh no, it's there. I put it right on the secretary's desk." I hung up and started looking again. No luck. I called him again. "Hmm, maybe I accidentally left it on my desk." So I poured through his office. Nothing. Finally, he admits, "Oh, I actually still have the key. It's in my own car."
So although he knew perfectly well that he hadn't put the key on the secretary's desk, he let me do all that work, pretending that he had. Sigh.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Direct flight USA - Angola?!
In my opinion, it is a huge mistake to make Atlanta the US city of destination. I mean, it's not like Houston is a strategic city of interest to Angola, right? Yeah, I know Atlanta is the hub city for Delta and I clearly have a bias in favor of Houston. (In December I had the misfortune of Delta cancelling a flight, forcing me to stay in Atlanta.) Heck, there's not even an Angolan consulate in Atlanta to submit an application for a visa you will never get...
Antigua Guatemala
This looks like the start of a bad joke: How many NGO workers does it take to measure some wood?
The final product, warts and all.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
The Metro is Here!

... as of February 2008, the budget allocated for the Santo Domingo Metro
was higher than the added budget of three important ministries and 5 pivotal
governmental institutions, including the ministry of superior education, science
and technology. For example, during the single month of February, the Santo
Domingo Metro received more than 231 million pesos (7 million US dollars), while
during the month of January, it received twice that amount.
I haven't posted in a while for a number of reasons.
Angola was so different for me in so many ways and I had so much to say about what I was seeing and experiencing. Couple that with little to no social life, an at times overwhelming sense of isolation and you get prolific blogging.
Here in the DR it's a little different. There is plenty that is new and different to me, but after Angola it sort of pales in comparison (with all due respect to the DR!) and the number of things that inspire me to blog. It's not the DR's fault. Frankly, my life is a lot less exciting here- in a good way. No more worries about being pulled over and put in jail because the cop doesn't understand my visa. My life here is calm. I go to work, go to gym and then come home. That's the bulk of it.
The last two months have involved lots of traveling for me- 10 days in Jamaica for work and then over 4 weeks at home in Houston for my home leave.
But I do enjoy blogging and for those of you who are still reading, thanks. I'll try and post more.